The Foundation's Studies on the European Parliament

  • Thierry Chopin, Maxime Lefebvre, « Après le traité de Lisbonne, l’Union européenne a-t-elle enfin un numéro de téléphone ? », (After the Lisbon Treaty will the European Union finally have a telephone number ?) European Issues, paper by the Robert Schuman Foundation n°151, 30/11/2009.

  • Jean-Dominique Giuliani, « Vaira-Vike Freiberga, Présidente ! », (Vaira-Vike Freiberga, President !) Editorial published on his site, 7/11/2009.

  • Jean-Dominique Giuliani, « Quel Président pour le Conseil européen ? », (Which President for the European Council ?) Editorial published on his site, 2/11/2009.

  • Marek Kubišta, « Quel Président pour l’Union », (Which President for the Union ?) European Issue, paper by the Robert Schuman Foundation n°148, 25/10/2009.

  • Thierry Chopin, « Apès Lisbonne, quel projet politique pour l’Europe ?», (After Lisbon, Which Political Project for Europe ?) European Issue, paper by Robert Schuman Foundation, n°147, 19/10/2009.

  • Jean-Dominique Giuliani, « Courir avec Lisbonne », Editorial published on his site, 5/10/2009.

  • Alain Lancelot, « Lettre aux électeurs qui souhaiteraient des élections vraiment européennes », (Letter to voters who want real European elections) European Issue, paper by Robert Schuman Foundation, n°146, 28/09/2009.

  • Interview with Jerzy Buzek, President of the European Parliament, European Interview n°138, 14/09/2009.

  • Laurent Pech, « De Lisbonne 1 à Lisbonne 2 : chronique du second referendum en Irlande »,(From Lisbon 1 to Lisbon 2 : journal of the second referendum in Ireland) European Issue, paper by the Robert Schuman Foundation, n°145, 7/09/2009.

  • Interview with Gunnar Lund, Ambassador of Sweden in France, European Interview n°137, 29/06/2009.

  • Corinne Deloy, "In the face of the Crisis Europeans mostly give their vote to the rightwing that already rules in two-thirds of the Member States", European Elections Monitor, Robert Schuman Foundation, 20/06/2009.

  • Jean-Dominique Giuliani, Analysis of the results, Edito published on his website, 8/06/2009.

  • Corinne Deloy, "The rightwing wins and the ecologist parties achieve a breakthrough in the European elections marked by rising abstention", Policy paper of the Robert Schuman Foundation, n°138, 8/06/2009.

  • Interview with Joseph Daul, Chair of the EPP-ED group at the European Parliament, European Interview of the Foundation, n°36, 02/06/2009.

  • Corinne Deloy, « Tour d’Europe des campagnes électorales en vue des élections européennes (4-7 juin 2009), le point à une semaine du scrutin, (A tour of the European Electoral Campaigns in view of the European Elections (4th-7th June 2009), a roundup one week before the election), European elections monitor, 02/06/2009.

  • Jean-Dominique Giuliani, "Political Europe: Which debates for which stakes?" State of the Union 2009 - Schuman Report on Europe, Lignes de Repères, Paris, April 2009.

  • Interview with Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the European Parliament, European Interview of the Foundation, n°34, 18/05/2009.

  • Corinne Deloy, « Tour d’Europe des campagnes électorales en vue desélections européennes (4-7 juin 2009), (A tour of the European Electoral Campaigns in view of the European Elections (4th-7th June 2009), European Issues, Policy Paper by the Robert Schuman Foundation, n°136, 4/05/2009.

  • Yves Bertoncini et Thierry Chopin, « Les élections européennes en France : un triple choix », (European Elections in France : a triple choice), European Issues, Policy Paper by the Robert Schuman Foundation, n°135, 27/04/2009.

  • Thierry Chopin, Claire Dhéret, "L'influence française au Parlement européen : bilan et perspectives. Quels enjeux à l'horizon des élections européennes de 2009 ?", (French Influence in the European Parliament: results and perspectives. What are the issues at stake as the European Elections draw Closer in 2009?), European Issues, Policy Paper by the Robert Schuman Foundation, n°119 et 120, 8/12/2008.

  • Yves Bertoncini and Thierry Chopin, "La présidence française de l’Union et les élections européennes : de la communication institutionnelle à l’information politique?" (The French Presidency of the Union and the European Elections: from Institutional Communication to Information Policy?), in Horizons stratégiques (a review published by the Centre d’analyse stratégique, an organisation which answers to the French Prime Minister), n°6, Paris, La documentation française, October 2007.

  • Thierry Chopin and Jean-François Jamet, "La répartition des sièges de député au Parlement européen entre les Etats membres : un enjeu démocratique autant que diplomatique", European Issues, Policy Paper by the Robert Schuman Foundation, n°71, 10th September 2007. Published simultaneously in English under the title: "The distribution of MEP seats in the European Parliament between the Member States: a democratic and diplomatic issue.”

  • Thierry Chopin and Clément Beaune, "L’influence française au sein du Parlement européen à mi-mandat. Quelle stratégie à l’horizon 2009?" (French influence in the European Parliament mid-term. What will the strategy be in 2009?), in Horizons stratégiques (a review published by the Centre d’analyse stratégique, an organisation which answers to the French Prime Minister), n°4, Paris, La documentation française, April 2007.

  • Thierry Chopin and Clément Beaune, "A mi-parcours de la législature: audit de l’influence française au sein du Parlement européen" (A mid-term audit of French influence in the European Parliament), European Issues, Policy Paper by the Robert Schuman Foundation, n°44 (joint work), 6th November 2006.

  • Thierry Chopin and Cédric Musso, "Un an après les élections européennes : audit de l’influence française au sein du Parlement européen" (A year after the European Elections: audit of French influence within the European Parliament), Supplement to the Letter by the Robert Schuman Foundation, n°218, 27th June 2005.

  • Jean-Michel De Waele and Ramona Coman, « Quels modes de scrutin pour les élections européennes de 2004 ? » (What election methods should be employed in the European Elections 2004), Summary by the Robert Schuman Foundation, n°137, 7th June 2004.

  • Olivier Costa, "Le Parlement européen après les élections de juin 2004 : pratiques et réalités" (The European Parliament after the Elections in June 2004 : practices and realities), Summary by the Robert Schuman Foundation, n°135, 24th May 2004.

  • Jean-Michel de Waele and Ramona Coman, "Les partis politiques européens" (European Political Parties), Summary by the Robert Schuman Foundation, n°134, 17th May 2004.

  • Stéphanie Chémery, "Le Parlement européen : une institution aux pouvoirs renforcés par la Constitution européenne" (The European Parliament : an institution with powers enhanced by the European Constitution), Summary by the Robert Schuman Foundation,, n°136, 31st May 2004.

  • D.Reynié, « Les élections européennes 10-13 juin 2004 » - Analyse des résultats (The European Elections 10th-13th June 2004: Results Analysis), Observatoire des élections, Fondation Robert Schuman, 2004.

  • Thierry Chopin, « Le Parlement européen » (The European Parliament), in S. Berstein and J-F. Sirinelli (and with the participation of Valéry Giscard d’Estaing), Les années Giscard. Valéry Giscard d’Estaing et l’Europe : 1974-1981 (The Giscard Years. Valéry Giscard d’Estaing and Europe: 1974-1981.), Paris, Armand Colin, 2006.

  • Jean-Dominique Giuliani,“Presidency of the European Parliament: in the name of memory…”, Editorial published on his website 16/07/2009.

  • Charles de Marcilly, Pierre Thibaudat, Jan Wilker, « Mid Term Assessment of the European Parliament’s 7th legislature », European Issue, paper by the Robert Schuman Foundation n°224, 09/01/2011.

  • Thierry Chopin, Camille Lépinay, « Political Splits and Compromises in the European Parliament », European Issue, paper by the Robert Schuman Foundation n°189 & 190, 20/12/2010.